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Introduction to Bookbinding

  • Tuesday 8 April, 10am
  • Tickets From £75
  • White Room
IMG 1545

Learn how to make books from scratch in this one day Introduction to Bookbinding workshop.

Participants will learn how to fold and manipulate paper using specialist bookbinding tools. You’ll learn three simple book structures: Pamphlet Book, Accordion Book, and Buttonhole Binding, which are ideal for beginners who have never made a book before.

You’ll take away three books with the knowledge to continue making books at home with minimal tools.

All tools and materials are provided.

Led by Yvette Ja
Yvette Ja is an artist and bookbinder living in Hexham. She has been teaching bookbinding for almost 20 years and has exhibited her work in the UK, Venice, Barcelona and Taiwan. Yvette opened Hanji (located on St Mary’s Chare) last year and teaches online through her website

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