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Current vacancies

Freelance Co-ordinator for Northumberland Cultural Education Partnership

National Context

Arts Council England in partnership with the Department for Education launched The Cultural Education Challenge to improve the alignment of cultural education for children and young people through Local Cultural Education Partnerships (CEPs). Over 90 CEPs have since been established across England. These partnerships bring together a diverse range of stakeholders, including cultural organisations, educational institutions, local authorities and community groups to create a more cohesive and accessible cultural education offer.

Northumberland CEP

Northumberland Cultural Education Partnership (CEP) is a partnership network group that advocates for the importance of arts, culture and creative activities in children and young people’s lives in Northumberland.

In the last two years, this work has focused on using participation in creative activities to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people and creating a methodology to prove its impact.

The CEP is in the process of writing a new strategic plan.

The Northumberland CEP has an active voluntary steering group of schools, local authorities and cultural organisations from across the county.

Members meet several times a year in person and via Zoom.

The group receives annual funding support from Arts Council England, via Tyne & Wear Archives and Museums (TWAM), works with consultants supporting development, as required and has successfully raised funds from Public Health Northumberland and the Partnership Investment Fund (ACE).

The current CEP Chair is Katy Taylor, Artistic Director & CEO of Queen’s Hall Arts.

Coordinator Key Responsibilities

Role Overview

Managed by Queen’s Hall Arts and Mortal Fools, the freelance Coordinator will be central to the successful development and delivery of the Northumberland CEP by providing a central administrative link between the CEP members.

Download the information pack to find out more about the role >

How To Apply

Please send a recent CV and covering letter of no more than 300 words describing your relevant experience to [email protected].

Deadline for applications: Friday 7 February at 5pm

Interviews will be in person or online 10 & 11 February


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